
Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.

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Planning, Support Use, I do some evaluation Kristy Madsen Planning, Support Use, I do some evaluation Kristy Madsen

Strategic Learning And Evaluation – What Boards Need To Know

Recently I was asked by a client about an “evaluation literacy course” for its board. The client’s board members had just attended a strategic planning day and through that discussion felt they needed some “education on evaluation and metrics.” On one hand I thought “bravo, they want to know more about evaluation!”; on the other hand I thought “shit…., I’ve totally failed them as their evaluator – what have I been missing?”

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How To Write Good Evaluation Questions

Evaluation questions focus data collection. They are what our stakeholders need to answer. When they have the answer to these questions, they can tell their stories. But it can be challenging to write questions at just the right level, that will provide guidance for choosing methods and developing data collection tools, and will actually yield the information to satisfy stakeholders.

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Arts-Based Data Collection Techniques

We share the most salient points from a recent CES webinar about using art as a data collection method, presented by Jennica Nichols and Maya Lefkowich (of AND Implementation). Also, we expand upon how we've used arts-based data collection techniques here at Eval Academy and Three Hive Consulting and how we could be using them in the future.

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Analysis, I do some evaluation Shelby Corley Analysis, I do some evaluation Shelby Corley

How To “Quantify” Qualitative Data

In qualitative approaches, we want to describe, to present details and nuances and interesting outliers. But as evaluators, we need to do more than just report what is—we need to comment on what it means. In familiar evaluation terms, moving from the “what” to “so what?”

This framework can help you to consistently “quantify” qualitative findings.

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Reflexivity In Evaluation

Reflexivity often falls into that category of things we know we should be doing, but aren't really doing, or things we might be doing, but aren't so sure we're doing right. To try and ease your stress about reflexivity and to help guide your practice, we've compiled our best tips below.

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Evaluation’s Yoda

Like Yoda, Michael Quinn Patton is revered for his wisdom and his power to inspire thinking differently about evaluation ideas. And while he isn’t a small, green humanoid alien there are striking similarities between the two (that go beyond the bald head and unique sweaters).

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Hosting Great Virtual Sessions

Whether due to global pandemics, restricted travel budgets, or stakeholders flung across the world, evaluators should be prepared to facilitate virtual meetings or sessions. We've taken the guesswork out of how to facilitate a great virtual session and have rounded up our best tips and tricks.

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Evaluating In The Developing World: A Canadian Evaluator’s Perspective

Up until one month ago my evaluation experience was firmly rooted in Canada. Like many young (ish) evaluators, I wanted to get international experience – more specifically I wanted to take on the challenge of doing evaluation work in a developing country. I would soon find out that I was incorrect in my optimism to copy and paste my evaluation perspective as well as my packing list.

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Branding And Marketing For Evaluation Consultants

As independent evaluation consultants, we might find ourselves working in the “gig economy” – that thrilling and perilous world of odd jobs and short-term contracts (and best of all: freedom). Whether or not you participate in the gig economy, key to success for any consultant is branding: it’s how you tell the world who you are and the unique value you offer.

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So You Think You Can Consult?

Being a great evaluator doesn’t necessarily make you a great evaluation consultant – you need to do all the things a professional evaluators does, while also operating a business, finding work, and marketing your brand.

This is an article about the skills and knowledge you need to succeed as an independent evaluation consultant.

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The Components Of An Evaluation Plan

Each evaluation is different. You have different stakeholders, different topics, different timelines and different end goals. Some evaluation plans will be simple, and others more complex. When developing your evaluation plan, you can take a mix and match approach to its composition.

Here are some common components of evaluation plans. Your plan might need just a few, or it may need all of them.

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