Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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What Is Evaluation? A Review Of AEA’s Recent Post
Evaluators are equipped to ask and answer some pretty complex questions. We are not afraid to tackle abstract ideas and make sense of messy data. However, there is one question that can be tough to succinctly answer - what is evaluation?
Evaluation In A Low-Resource Setting: Strategies For Success
Program evaluations in a low resource setting can be challenging in that the program staff may not have the skills or capacity to see it through. However, agencies often require formal evaluation of their funded programs. As such, I offer strategies for success when evaluating within a LRS.
Being A Volunteer Evaluator
Have you ever been curious about what it is like to volunteer as an evaluator? Or are you considering a volunteer opportunity in the near future? This article aims to give you some insight into finding and engaging in a volunteer opportunity.
Evaluating In The Developing World: A Canadian Evaluator’s Perspective
Up until one month ago my evaluation experience was firmly rooted in Canada. Like many young (ish) evaluators, I wanted to get international experience – more specifically I wanted to take on the challenge of doing evaluation work in a developing country. I would soon find out that I was incorrect in my optimism to copy and paste my evaluation perspective as well as my packing list.