
Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.

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So You Think You Can Consult?

Being a great evaluator doesn’t necessarily make you a great evaluation consultant – you need to do all the things a professional evaluators does, while also operating a business, finding work, and marketing your brand.

This is an article about the skills and knowledge you need to succeed as an independent evaluation consultant.

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The Components Of An Evaluation Plan

Each evaluation is different. You have different stakeholders, different topics, different timelines and different end goals. Some evaluation plans will be simple, and others more complex. When developing your evaluation plan, you can take a mix and match approach to its composition.

Here are some common components of evaluation plans. Your plan might need just a few, or it may need all of them.

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Visual Storytelling Through Videos

Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to AEA’s annual evaluation conference this year (I chose a Mai Tai on the beaches of Maui instead). However, one of the wonderful things about the Internet is that I was able to feel like I was part of the conference by following #eval19 on Twitter. So what was my one big takeaway through the Twitter lens? Of course, it came from the evaluation guru himself, Michael Quinn Patton (MQP) – “Evaluating transformation means transforming evaluation.”

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