Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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Somehow I Manage: What Evaluation Consultants Need To Know About Business Management
People have done a lot of thinking about how to run a successful business, and there’s a lot independent evaluation consultants can learn from that body of knowledge. Part 2 in this series is about what evaluation consultants can learn from business management experts.
So You Think You Can Consult?
Being a great evaluator doesn’t necessarily make you a great evaluation consultant – you need to do all the things a professional evaluators does, while also operating a business, finding work, and marketing your brand.
This is an article about the skills and knowledge you need to succeed as an independent evaluation consultant.
The Six C’s Of A Good Evaluator
Here are the six six C’s that make a good evaluator: competent, credible, curious, communicative, creative, and common-sense oriented.