
Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.

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Why You Should Evaluate Your Healthcare Program: Lessons From Three Hive Consulting

In the world of healthcare, effective evaluation is a game-changer, guiding strategic decisions, enhancing patient care, and driving innovation. This article delves into the transformative power of evaluation, showcasing practical advice and real-world examples from Three Hive Consulting. Discover how evaluation can navigate complexities, measure effectiveness, boost accountability, and justify investments, ensuring your healthcare programs excel.

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How To Spot Common Budgeting Pitfalls.

Evaluations of any size tend to need to adhere to budgets, whether for financial or human resourcing constraints. There are certain pitfalls that can quickly derail your budget. This article will guide you through some of the most common budget pitfalls to help you plan and support you to stay on budget throughout your evaluation.

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What To Put In Your Evaluation Contract

Congratulations, evaluator, you’ve landed a client! Or maybe your organization has selected an evaluator to complete an exciting project. Either way, your next step is a contract for evaluation services. In this post, we list some components you should include, or at least consider, in your evaluation contract.

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Branding And Marketing For Evaluation Consultants

As independent evaluation consultants, we might find ourselves working in the “gig economy” – that thrilling and perilous world of odd jobs and short-term contracts (and best of all: freedom). Whether or not you participate in the gig economy, key to success for any consultant is branding: it’s how you tell the world who you are and the unique value you offer.

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So You Think You Can Consult?

Being a great evaluator doesn’t necessarily make you a great evaluation consultant – you need to do all the things a professional evaluators does, while also operating a business, finding work, and marketing your brand.

This is an article about the skills and knowledge you need to succeed as an independent evaluation consultant.

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