
Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.

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How To Use World Cafés As An Evaluation Data Collection Method

Discover how World Cafés can enhance your data collection efforts. This article guides you through organizing a World Café, from selecting facilitators to crafting effective questions and managing conversations. Learn how to analyze the data collected and address potential challenges, making World Cafés a powerful tool for engaging participants and generating comprehensive insights in your evaluations.

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Survey Question Types

Surveys are one of the most commonly used data collection tools in an evaluator’s toolbox, and for good reason! There are so many different ways to ask questions in a survey, from multiple choice questions to visual analogue scales and image choice. This article highlights some options to help you think outside the (check)box for your next evaluation survey!

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Data Dictionary: The What, Why And How

It is ideal to have a data dictionary whenever you have quantitative data that will be used and shared by multiple people or groups. Without precise definitions, it is very easy to arrive at different results while using the same dataset. In this article, we focus on how evaluators can (and should) clarify details about the data being used for evaluation. In other words, how and why build an evaluation-specific data dictionary.

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Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Default Survey Platforms To Give You All The Answers

Don’t get us wrong, surveys are useful tools and we’re a fan of any survey platform that makes it easier to use the results. But what about when you want to scratch beneath the surface or present a legible graph that will convince the program director or funder that action needs to be taken? This is where the canned survey tools start to falter.

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Arts-Based Data Collection Techniques

We share the most salient points from a recent CES webinar about using art as a data collection method, presented by Jennica Nichols and Maya Lefkowich (of AND Implementation). Also, we expand upon how we've used arts-based data collection techniques here at Eval Academy and Three Hive Consulting and how we could be using them in the future.

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The Components Of An Evaluation Plan

Each evaluation is different. You have different stakeholders, different topics, different timelines and different end goals. Some evaluation plans will be simple, and others more complex. When developing your evaluation plan, you can take a mix and match approach to its composition.

Here are some common components of evaluation plans. Your plan might need just a few, or it may need all of them.

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Visual Storytelling Through Videos

Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to AEA’s annual evaluation conference this year (I chose a Mai Tai on the beaches of Maui instead). However, one of the wonderful things about the Internet is that I was able to feel like I was part of the conference by following #eval19 on Twitter. So what was my one big takeaway through the Twitter lens? Of course, it came from the evaluation guru himself, Michael Quinn Patton (MQP) – “Evaluating transformation means transforming evaluation.”

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