Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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How We Evaluated: Our Own 4-Day Work Week Pilot
Discover the insights and outcomes of Three Hive Consulting’s evaluation of their 4-Day Work Week (4DWW) pilot. This article explores the benefits and challenges of the 4DWW, highlighting impacts on work-life balance, productivity, and client relationships, and shares strategies for successful implementation.
So You Want To Be A CE: How To Become A Credentialed Evaluator
In the first article of this installment, we covered what the CE designation is and is not, and talked a little bit about why you might get it. In this article, we will explore what you need to do to gain your CE designation.
So You Want To Be A CE: What Is A Credentialed Evaluator?
At Three Hive Consulting & Eval Academy, we pride ourselves on being led by three Credentialled Evaluators. But what is a CE? What does it mean?
New Template: Interview Tracking Log
Eval Academy just released a new template, “Interview Tracking Log.” This template is available as a Word document as well as an Excel file! This Interview Tracking Log can be used by anyone who will be completing interviews to collect qualitative data.
New Infographic: 10 Reasons To Evaluate!
Eval Academy just released a new infographic, “10 Reasons to Evaluate.” This infographic is for Program Managers and Program Leaders who are thinking about implementing an evaluation and are looking for a little inspiration as to why evaluating this year is a good idea!
Common Evaluation FAQs
In this article, we provide the answers to some of your FAQs about evaluation including: Why do people conduct evaluations? Where can I find an evaluator? What makes a good evaluator? How can I get training in evaluation? What is the difference between research and evaluation? How much does an evaluation cost?
Developmental Evaluation: An Overview
Recently, we’ve had several clients ask us about Developmental Evaluation (DE) including what it is and how it’s done. So we’ve pulled together a few main points about DE in this article.