Evaluation Roundup - November 2020

November 2020

Welcome to our monthly roundup of new and noteworthy evaluation news and resources – here is the latest.

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New and Noteworthy — Resources

Michael Quinn Patton’s evaluation criteria for evaluating transformation

The American Journal of Evaluation recently published an article by Michael Quinn Patton (@MQuinnP) that outlines six criteria that are required for evaluating transformation. MQP argues that fundamental systems transformations are needed to address global emergencies brought on by climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. MQP states that current evaluation criteria and practices are inadequate for evaluating transformation and that “evaluating transformation means transforming evaluation.” The six criteria are: 1) Transformation Fidelity 2) Complex Systems Framing, 3) Eco-Efficient Full-Cost Accounting, 4) Adaptive Sustainability, 5) Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, 6) Interconnected Momentum.


For more MQP you can also check out his recent webinar on YouTube – Evaluation and the Challenge of Our Times (a follow-up to his American Evaluation Association 2020 presentation).

This is why evaluation is a tool for systems-change

Speaking of systems change and transformation, check out Pablo Vidueira’s article (@PabloVidueira.) This article succinctly outlines why evaluation needs to transform. It highlights a few examples of how Blue Marble Evaluation is being applied. Pablo concludes by saying, “Transforming our society means transforming our systems and our way of thinking – moving away from a project-focused mindset and toward one that recognizes the fragile, finite and interconnected nature of the Blue Marble we inhabit.”

Living history: A developmental evaluation tool

Cameron Norman (@cdnorman) recently wrote a post for the Tamarack Institute that outlined a method called The Living History. Cameron discussed how developmental evaluation can provide vital information to inform the evolution of a program by connecting what is done with what is happening. The Living History method is a means for capturing and documenting all the actions, decisions and assumptions that occur throughout the life a program so you can answer “why did we do this?” or “what led to this action.” The Living History can also document environmental or cultural shifts that might affect a program. For more information, you can go to Cameron’s original post on his website.

Tamarack Institute’s guide for meaningfully engaging youth

The Tamarack Institute has co-developed with youth organizations a guide that outlines the principles and practices for meaningful youth engagement. The guide is not specific for evaluation; however, these are useful best practices evaluators can incorporate when involving youth in their evaluations.


The practice of evaluation: partnership approaches for community change

This book was recently released by SAGE Publishing (authored by Ryan Kilmer and James Cook from the University of North Carolina.) The book provides content on evaluation concepts, approaches and methods with an emphasis on the use of evaluation and partnership approaches to effect change for program improvement.


A stakeholder view of the development of national evaluation systems in Africa

This article sought to document and compare developments of national evaluation systems (NESs) that are being set up across Africa. This article focused specifically on Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia. The findings show that governments are progressively investing in M&E as a practice and its infrastructure. However, different M&E systems in the six countries are shaped by state architecture, political administration priorities, government capacity, resources available and other enabling environmental factors. The study offers insights that can be used to start dialogue about how to close existing knowledge gaps, improve M&E capacity building offerings and increase the use of M&E evidence in policy and program implementation.

New and Noteworthy — Courses, Events and Webinars

December 2020

Evaluation Planning – Setting the Stage for Successful Evaluations

Sponsor: EnCompass  – Ayesha Boyce
Date: December 7 - 10
Venue: Online Course


Data Storytelling

Sponsor: EnCompass  – Andy Krackov
Date: December 15 -17
Venue: Online Course

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Evaluation Roundup - Top Ten Posts From 2020


Video: How To Create A Visually Impactful Column Chart